If you haven't got an account with us yet, create one by clicking the button below.
This free service allows you to create a Family Account with profiles for each family member interested in programming. Once you're Family Account is created, registering for classes is only a few clicks.
The best part: This portal simplifies everything. You can register and pay for classes using your credit card, join a waiting list, receive automatic discounts for multi-class or multi-student registration and no longer worry if a class is full because all registration lists are managed in real-time.
Our portal includes:
Accounts with credit cards as their payment option WILL NOT be charged automatically upon registration. Your credit card will be charged at the end of the day of class, or on the first day of camp. If payment is made in the studio via cash, debit or credit, your credit card will not be charged on the system and your payment will be applied to your account.
We do not charge for absences but require prior notice. Failure to notify us prior to the beginning of class will result in a 50% tuition fee charge to your account.
Creative Barracks Arts Studio
131 Lock Street East, Dunnville, Ontario N1A 1J6, Canada